Yellow Dorm of Hope

Due to the remoteness of our communities, some children hike four to six hours each way, just to get to school. They go through treacherous, muddy paths and cross rivers only to arrive in school tired, sleepy, and unfocused, which negatively affects their focus on studying. Ultimately, their grades and school performance suffer. In situations like this, many children are forced to just drop out from school.
The Yellow Boat of Hope Foundation aims to provide a solution to this problem by building dormitories within the school premises. These dormitories serve as halfway houses for ≈30 students on weekdays, and they can go home on weekends. All of the kids in these dormitories are provided with educational scholarships and are guided by a house parent, usually a teacher from the school faculty, who has a separate room.
Because of the significant comfort and access the Yellow Dorm of Hope project has given to the children, we have seen an increase in the attendance of students, a decrease in dropout rate, and the children are performing well in their classes because they are getting enough sleep. With an educational scholarship and their half way houses to help them do better in school, there is no hindrance for them to not finish school, attain a proper education, and have a brighter future.